Mr. Rix Chung was re-appointed as one of the HKIS Honorary Legal Advisors.

Ms. Vivian Wang (PRC Lawyer) joined our Firm as a Registered Foreign Lawyer

Our Solicitor, Mr. Alex Lam was admitted as a Solicitor of the High Court of Hong Kong.

Our Solicitor, Miss Joyce Chan was admitted as a Solicitor of the High Court of Hong Kong.

The Chief Executive of HKSAR has appointed our firm’s managing partner, Mr. Rix Chung as a panel member to Resolvability Review Tribunal and Resolution Compensation Tribunal for a term of 2 years from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026.

On 7 February 2024, Mr. Kengo Nishigaki ( 西垣建剛 ), the representative partner of GI & T Law Office, a boutique law firm in Japan, led a legal team to visit our firm and attended a friendly discussion with our firm’s various partners and associates in a lunch gathering.

Admission of our Mr. Wayne Chow as a solicitor of the High Court of Hong Kong.

Founded in 1907, The Law Society of Hong Kong welcomed its 115th anniversary in 2022. In celebration of this momentous milestone, the Law Society today (26 July 2023) soft-launched its English-language 115th anniversary book “Changing Times, Steadfast Purpose: The Law Society at 115” (the “115A Book”).

Mr. Fred Kan, our Senior Partner, had his speech in the forum “Doing Business in Hong Kong in a Rapidly Changing World” on 11th July 2023.

Our Managing Partner, Mr. Rix Chung has been appointed as legal advisor to the Surveyors Registration Board.